Almost ten years ago, I started posting motivational messages—messages that encouraged girls to get up and do small things that would accumulate and, in time, equal something greater. Videos like this were not spiritual in nature, but they adjusted my perspective so that I would do the next small thing with purpose in mind.
The truth is that years ago, when I was in the deepest of pits, I would rarely make my bed. It wasn't just that I was lazy; it was that I could not convince myself out of the hole that I lived in. Thus, small things like bathing—much less making my bed—were not worth doing. In other words...
I did not find my life valuable enough to live in healthy order.
Praise God that He brought me out of that pit. He showed me that spiritual and physical disciplines cannot save my soul, but they are an essential part of effectively living out my purpose and calling. Over time, these disciplines have had to be tested and refined as my body and the direction God is taking me have changed, and I thank the Lord for continuously lifting my chin to His face to remind me to keep fighting the good fight. He helped me appreciate the monotany of mundane things.
However, over the past year I stopped making my bed. I cannot tell you exactly why...but one day at a time, I slipped out of that healthy practice, and other disciplines have followed. I have started to live as though those things don't really matter. Yet, as I examine a low rumble of depression and discontent that seems to have settled in my spirit I can't help but think how much those small things really do make a difference.
In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul is telling the Church that they are to use their spiritual gifts with great care and their meetings are to be held with order in mind. In verse 40, he says...
"Everything is to be done decently and in order."
Now, I am definitely not claiming that Paul's point was to encourage them to make their beds...I mean who knows, maybe he did...but the point of the passage is that everything they did was important for the furtherance of the gospel. If they were not disciplined and intentional, they could ultimately interfere with someone else hearing the truth of Jesus Christ.
In the same vein, I do not believe that not making our beds will result in someone's eternal damnation. However, I do stand on the idea that God's call for us to live in order through proper, daily disciplines have a whole lot to do with our confidence and ability to live boldly for the cause of Christ.
So, because I desperately want to get better -- to become more bold -- in shining the light of Jesus Christ into this dark and dying world, this morning I will live like there is work to be done. I will make my bed and today I will...Eat well, Exercise, and talk about Jesus every chance I get.
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