I have posted this same message on Father’s Day now for the past four years, and to be honest, I’m probably going to use it every Father’s Day until the Lord takes this assignment of blogging from me. I feel like this is the perfect way to celebrate this special day...by calling us to the action of having a quiet spirit. I understand this message is not for every woman, but it is for some...namely me.
You see, women we are being taught by the father of all lies, working through our culture, that men are stupid and secondary to our personal goals. The teaching doesn’t just stop with the unbelieving culture though. Many God loving, casserole making, Christian women wear the submission hat in public, but devalue their husbands as soon as the car door shuts in the church parking lot.
I have to be careful how much I say right here, because I can tell you with complete transparency that I am guilty of this. It doesn’t make me comfortable or happy to share that with you!
However, until Women of God join together, making it a priority to honor the structure of the household per the structure of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are going to continue to fight a losing battle.
If we are praying for God to work in our households, that means that we are going to have to surrender ourselves entirely, learning what submission really does mean, and learning how to uplift a man that you have otherwise decided doesn’t even know how to chew his food without your direction
Remember this, my dear female friends, Satan has long been at work to steal, kill, and destroy your husband...the biblical head of your household... and he would absolutely love to do it through you.
Just like past years, I challenge us...Begin to pray tonight about what God would have you do differently from Father’s Day 2024 to Father’s Day 2025 that would increase your husband’s opportunity to grow in God, and lead your home in the Name of Jesus.
Now, don’t hear that challenge as me telling you to make a list on how your husband needs to get closer to the Lord. No! This prayer is asking God for a mirror that will show you where your issues with control have interfered with the Holy Spirit’s work in your home. If you accepted this challenge last year, then the question is, did you live it out?! Is there evidence of your surrender, and if not, don’t give up! God has not quit on you. So don’t you quit either! Now is the time!!
#HeIsEssentialToYourHouse #GiveUpControl #LoveYourHusband #SubmitToGod #SubmissionIsNotABadWord #GetOutofGodsWay #RiseUpAndBowDownTodayBelongsToGod
"Sisters, we were made for kindness. We can pierce the darkness as He shines through us. We will come reaching, with a song of healing. And they will know us by our love!"
*Note: The words “equal in inheritance, separate in function” come from the series “Kingdom Minded.”