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He is Singing Over You, Follow His Lead...

Writer's picture: A Heart Refined with Rachel MenardA Heart Refined with Rachel Menard

In the past few months, we have had an organist visit our church a couple of times. I LOVE it when he is there. First of all, his talent is evident, but something else he does has brought me into such a sweet place of worship...

The picture below is not very clear, but you can see him on the organ in front of the cross. You can also see that he is focused on our worship pastor. Throughout the entire time they are up there, he intentionally considers and follows Luke's lead. It is obvious that this man has the talent to take over and run with it all by himself. However, he is satisfied with Luke's position and with that willful submission to the process, he adds a layer that changes the room! I'm sad to say I do not know his name, but his presence has enhanced my worship both in the moment and in my everyday walk!

Lately-and I mean almost every day-I have been waking up singing...

"There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain and no more fears
There will be a day
When the burdens of this place
Will be no more
We'll see Jesus face to face."

In the past, I think I've sung this in a self-pitiful "Get me outta' here, Lord! I'm tired of this place!"...but praise the Lord, in this season my heart is full of joy. I have a new excitement building in me for that day when I see my Savior and all the things of this earth, good and bad, are simply matters that reveal more of His glory. This whole experience gives me delight in staying here until that day comes. Dwelling on what is being said in Zephaniah 3 has helped...

"The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves.

He will rejoice over you with gladness.

He will be quiet in his love.

He will delight in you with singing.”

Zephaniah 3:17

Commentary poses the question, "Why is God so joyful?" The fact is, these people that He is promising to save and sing over have continually disobeyed and refused Him. However,

Zephaniah says that God is not basing His joy on them but on Himself and His promised victory. Commentary continues, "[He] speaks of a future time when God has ended His judgment upon Israel. All of their enemies have been destroyed, and Israel is entering a time of safety and blessing. Zephaniah is speaking of the future millennial kingdom when the Messiah (Jesus) will reign with His people in Jerusalem (Isaiah 9:7; Revelation 20:1–6)."*

Furthermore, "The word picture in Zephaniah 3:17 is full of emotion. God the Father is the One who holds His daughter Jerusalem and sings joyfully in her presence. Just as a loving parent cradles a child and sings out of love, so God’s song over His people is born of His great love. After a time of hardship, our loving Lord dries His people’s tears, comforts their hearts, and welcomes them to a new world."


So, as I think back to the organist's face, I realize I am learning to gaze intentionally on my heavenly Father's loving face. If I watch with care, realizing my favored position in submission to His greater plan, I will be able to play my part in a way that adds to the everyday walk of other believers.

Friends, Are you confused as to why you are struggling to make it through the day, but also are not intentionally abiding in the presence of the One who is returning soon and will make all things new? Think on these things!! We have so much more to live for than the matters of this world! Please don't just take my word for it! He says it!! Look at Revelation 21...

Listen...We've all heard the saying that everyone heals differently, and while I do believe that this may be true on some levels, the fact is there is only ONE actual source of healing. A heart truly cast on the finished work of Jesus Christ and what He has provided for us in Eternity will persevere and overcome!!!

Through His Word by His lead, we can sing over one another as He sings over us!! His great Name and promises will be multiplied!!! Praise Ye' Yahweh! Hallelujah! We do not have to remain bound in ourselves! WEEP NO MORE AND SING FOR JOY!!


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*Quoted material is from

*Scripture is from The Amplified Bible, 2015

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