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Blessed Is She Who Believes...

Writer's picture: A Heart Refined with Rachel MenardA Heart Refined with Rachel Menard

Dear faithful God, this fear lingers in my flesh, telling me I will never be good enough to serve you. I must confess I believe my fears and failures have sent me outside of your purpose, but the moment I take a long look at You, You comfort my wayward heart. That view of You helps me recognize my fear and shame as a form of self-worship. Your radiant perfection satisfies and settles my selfish, rattled nervous system. You don't shame me; instead, You pull me close, reminding me that Your plan has never been based on my goodness but Yours alone.

Luke 1 is both tender and terrifying, and all this is based on what God did with the lives of two simple girls, Elizabeth and Mary. The tenderness can be found when we see where God had put His plan of salvation into motion with the pregnancy of Mary's barren cousin, Elizabeth. It is also there that Gabriel tells Mary not to be afraid, that God had chosen her to bear His Son, and that anything is possible with Him! We see His tenderness in the sweet detail of John the Baptist leaping in Elizabeth's womb when Mary came near with Jesus in her belly. The tender hand of God can be traced throughout the chapter, and that's because it would take the power of His lovingkindness to calm the fear they had to be overwhelmed by.

"The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Listen carefully: you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus...Mary said to the angel, “How will this be since I am a virgin and have no intimacy with any man?” Luke 1:30,34

We cannot even fathom how completely afraid Mary must have felt throughout her pregnancy, knowing God had given her this Child for a purpose greater than herself, and at the same time having no clue what that would require of her. Yet, two essential factors gave her clarity and strength for the journey ahead. First..

"Then the angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you [like a cloud]; for that reason, the holy (pure, sinless) Child shall be called the Son of God. And listen, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age, and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.” Then Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel left her." 35-38

Then, as Elizabeth felt her baby boy proclaim the presence of the Lord, she made a declarative statement over Mary that sets the tone of confident praise...

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill what He has spoken to her." 45

This promise of the Holy Spirit, along with the God-confident encouragement of her cousin, gives way to one of the most beautiful, worshipful, and truth-filled prayers in the Bible. Go read Luke 1:46-56!! Make a note of how easy it would be to praise Mary. She was a noble girl we should model our lives after. However, what we should pay the most attention to is how she received that blessing from Elizabeth and gave it right back to God. She knew herself to be flawed and sinful, and she also knew, based on God's pattern, that He would be victorious regardless of her fears and subsequent failures.

"And Mary said, “My soul magnifies and exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. “For He has looked [with loving care] on the humble state of His maidservant; For behold, from now on all generations will count me blessed and happy and favored by God! “For He who is mighty has done great things for me; And holy is His name [to be worshiped in His purity, majesty, and glory]." 46-49


Matthew 11:28-30 are words that came directly from Jesus' mouth, encouraging the people to know He is the only source of true rest in their souls. Take a moment to consider that Mary may not have heard these words, but because of the faith God poured out on her heart, she knew them from deep within her belly. Now, consider yourself...

Do you have failures or insecurities that make you believe God doesn't want to use you?

Do you know that Jesus is your Savior, your rest, your rescuer, and your redeemer?

Do you know Him deep within your soul?

Be challenged...Go write this story in your journal, considering the things happening all around her. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to rest in God like Mary did. Go back to the top of this blog and actually pray the prayer -- inserting your own thoughts and feelings -- Sit in worship, considering the presence of God with Mary as He required something so frightening of her. Ask the Holy Spirit to move you from your insecure fixation on yourself and your situation into a reverent freedom in Him. Ask Him to breathe life into your bones, preparing you to do more in this life for His glory.

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